Iron Aggregate Concrete Floor Topping

Iron Aggregate Concrete Floor Topping. Iron aggregate topping shall be straight edged or rolled level, immediately followed by bull floating or Emery aggregate is the toughest aggregate is the world with a mohs hardness of 9. Applied over prepared hardened concrete it gives significantly longer service life than either normal high strength concrete or natural aggregate toppings.

Iron Aggregate Concrete Floor Topping Photos
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Most of the ones on the market today contain about 70 percent iron, 30 percent cement with an admixture plasticizer added for workability. Thick floor surface for maximum abrasion and impact resistance. Emerytop 400 outperforms normal concrete and high strength iron aggregate topping floors.

Gallery of Iron Aggregate Concrete Floor Topping

The iron aggregate concrete floor is a concrete floor topping specifically designed for industrial facilities, warehouses, distribution centers, manufacturing plants or logistics facilities. The concrete mix shall consists of aggregates. Mbft iron aggregate displays 5 to 8 times superior abrasion resistance than normal 70n/mm2 concrete. It provides heavy duty protection in key areas subject to abrasion and impact.